Getting Your Citizen Science Project Off the Ground
Feb 06, 2023 / by ASkalmusky
person with long hair wearing hat taking photo with phone of leaves on the ground

Looking for a way to engage students in environmental education that works equally well in a virtual or in-person format?

NEEF teaches educators about citizen science through a webinar co-hosted with SciStarter, an online citizen science hub. The webinar walks viewers through the process of creating, developing, and implementing a citizen science project. 

Speakers and presenting groups include: 

  • SciStarter: How to register a new citizen science project through their online database.
  • NASA’s GLOBE Program: A showcase of their citizen science tool, GLOBE Observer
  • Susan Sachs, Education Branch Coordinator at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, a NEEF grantee who will provide an overview of how they successfully incorporated citizen science into their educational programming.
  • Sean O’Connor, Citizen Science Program Manager, BSCS Science Learning, will provide overview of FieldScope platform.

Educators will walk away with an understanding of a few of the resources and platforms that exist to make creating a citizen science project easy and accessible. 

Webinar Recording:

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