The Engaged Organization: Corporate Employee Environmental Education Survey and Case Study Findings presents key findings and case studies from a survey of more than 1,300 business professionals to gauge how leading companies approach internal environment and sustainability employee education and engagement.
With the recent explosion of all things “green,” leading companies are recognizing the valuable, indeed essential, role their employees play in aligning day-to-day operations with corporate values regarding the environment and sustainability. While environmental management used to be the province of specialists, responding to environmental challenges is now so fundamental to a company’s success that environmental knowledge cannot be isolated within an organization, but must be pervasive. In other words, all jobs are green jobs.
Businesses are always looking for opportunities to cut costs. By engaging employees, companies can spark innovative changes in everyday business processes that save money and reduce environmental and social impacts while also inspiring employees to make sustainable choices at home and in their communities. And yet, many companies are not entirely sure how to effectively educate and involve employees in corporate environmental activities.
In response to growing interest in this timely topic, NEEF has researched the issue, conducted a survey of more than 1,300 professionals interested in business and environmental issues and documented eight case studies to gauge how leading companies approach internal environment and sustainability (E&S) employee education and engagement.
This study details some of the key findings around:
- The Value of Environment & Sustainability Knowledge
- Trends in Environment and Sustainability Education
- The Variety in Educational Program Approaches