Invasive Aquatic Species and Recreation
May 31, 2019 / by admin
A boat propeller with zebra mussels on it

Invasive aquatic species are cropping up in and around waterways outside of their native habitat, and their presence has the ability to disrupt and negatively impact the ecosystems where they make their new homes.

These are aquatic organisms that have been introduced to areas outside of their native habitat, whether that introduction is on the other side of the world, or on the other side of a continent. As these plants and animals haven’t evolved with the rest of the life forms in their new neighborhoods, they may not have natural predators in their new zip code—this lends the nonindigenous species an upper hand in competing for resources in the area.

Nonindigenous aquatic species are present across the country, in both fresh and salt water, and state and local governments need your help to reduce and prevent their spread during your time participating in aquatic recreational activities, from fishing, boating, tubing, and everything in between.

It’s possible that you may have even accidentally helped transfer some of these plants and animals from one water body to another without realizing it—but with the help of our infographic, you can take the necessary steps to stop these aquatic invaders in their tracks!

invasive species infographic thumbnail