Nature Champion Online Course

The Nature Champion Course aims to build capacity among health care providers, clinicians, and mental health professionals to be leaders in prescribing nature and connecting children and families with nature for health benefits.
The objectives of this course include:
- Build capacity among health care providers, clinicians, and mental health professionals to be leaders in prescribing nature
- Establish knowledge competency surrounding the effects of nature, or lack thereof, on children
- Engage individuals and families in accessing parks or nature sites within economically, racially/ethnically, and culturally diverse communities
- Identify opportunities to leverage partnerships with local federal, state, and local park agencies and others providing active nature programming
This is a self-paced course that is broken into modules. The modules of this course are comprised of slide decks that enable self-paced learning with quiz short quizzes after each module and final case studies for thought and discussion:
- Module 01-Burden of Nature Deficiency in Childhood
- Module 02-Health Benefits of Nature and Outdoor Activity-Physical
- Module 03-Health Benefits of Nature and Outdoor Activity-Mental
- Module 04-Building Partnerships by Prescribing Nature
- Module 05-Cases and Discussion
This is a free course, only registration is required.
Resource Type