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Think you're not connected to coastal wetlands? Think again! Whether or not you're one of the 123.3 million people (39% of the US population) living in US
Squids, cuttlefish, octopi—these sea creatures, known as cephalopods, are famous for their association with sea monsters, their supposed intelligence, and as
Goldfinches chirp as they fly back and forth over a babbling brook, avoiding the commotion of the children splashing through the shallow banks. While this play
Coral reefs, vital for tourism and coastal protection, face threats from warming oceans and acidity. Learn about their economic value and how to protect them.
A tide of red washes over a lake, dyeing the water a crimson color. While some people may be more familiar with the crimson tide you see at an Alabama football
Explore the importance of groundwater during National Groundwater Awareness Week. Learn about depletion risks and conservation strategies for this vital
Next time it rains, observe how water flows once it hits the ground. If you are one of the 80.7% of Americans living in urban areas, chances are water has
In 2012, 3.2 million American farmers operated 2.1 million acres of farmland that produced food, fuel, and fiber for people in the US and around the world
Entender el ciclo del agua de la Tierra puede ayudarnos a entender cómo un clima más cálido intensificará las sequías y las inundaciones. Un contribuyente
June is National Rivers Month! Need a good reason to celebrate? Rivers provide us with drinking water, a boost to the economy, and important ecosystems and food