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Looking for a new project? Spring is a great time to join a citizen science program, where you can share your own observations about nature with scientists
Discover citizen science projects and free curriculum to help kids learn about the night sky. February 3 marks the midpoint of winter, the best time of year for
Environmental educators need to find unique ways to keep their students engaged with the material outside of class. We gathered several STEM-focused ideas for
What Is Environmental Science? Do you love the outdoors (or know someone who does)? Are you passionate about wildlife and public lands and want to make a
Among the many challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the few bright spots is that Americans have developed an increased appreciation for teachers. As
Activities to teach students where their water comes from and why it’s important to keep natural water sources (such as rivers, lakes, and oceans) clean.
How can students give back to their school in a way that helps reduce its environmental footprint? Here are a few strategies both teachers and parents can use
With tests and exams approaching, you may notice your students (or your child) experiencing feelings of nervousness. Exams can be stressful and it can be hard
Trees are vital to the health of not only all forest ecosystems, but the health of the entire planet. They provide oxygen, filter pollutants, and offer shade on
Christine Voyer manages a science education and invasive species citizen science program called Vital Signs out of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute in