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Discover the link between climate change, El Niño patterns, and increased hurricane intensity in the US. Learn about tropical cyclone development, sea level
Heading to the beach this summer? By riding the global ocean conveyor belt, that seawater that you're splashing in may have traveled the planet—and the seven
Understanding the earth's water cycle can help us understand how a warming climate will intensify droughts and floods. A main contributor to the intensity of a
Global CO2 emissions in April 2020 decreased 17% compared to one year before, and NASA satellite imaging showed significant reductions in air pollution over
Over 50% of the US lives near coasts. Groundwater, vital for public water supply, faces risks from climate change, sea level rise, and overuse. Learn more about
Squids, cuttlefish, octopi—these sea creatures, known as cephalopods, are famous for their association with sea monsters, their supposed intelligence, and as
Coral reefs, vital for tourism and coastal protection, face threats from warming oceans and acidity. Learn about their economic value and how to protect them.
¿Sabí­as? Los administradores del agua en 40 estados anticipan escasez de agua en alguna parte de sus estados en los próximos 10 años. El consumo de agua a
¿Sabí­as? Los bienes y servicios proporcionados por los arrecifes de coral en Hawai se estima que atrae aproximadamente $ 385 millones cada año. Las pérdidas de
¿Sabí­as? 40% de la energía hidroeléctrica de los Estados Unidos se genera en el noroeste. Las montañas de California alcanzaron su nivel más bajo en la capa de