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Suzy Pappas, Director of Coastal Cleanup Corporation, is a regular volunteer at Biscayne National Park, where she’s participated in National Public Lands Day
Located 30 miles north of Atlanta, Georgia, Lake Allatoona covers 12,000 acres and boasts 270 miles of shoreline. It is home to nine city and county parks and
This was originally posted on The National Parks Traveler. For more than a decade, I have had the privilege to witness and participate in the wonderfully
It was a damp and drizzly June morning at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Staff from the National Park Service (NPS), New York/New Jersey Trail
By 2030, the Atlanta BeltLine is expected to loop 22 miles of modern streetcar, 33 miles of multi-use trail, and 1,300 acres of parks. How? Public funding
America's demographics are constantly changing. Across the field, environmental organizations have been slow to catch up to better reflect the communities they
Citizen science involves engaging volunteers in data collection for environmental research. It aids tracking climate trends like altered bloom times and
Millie Jimenez is 25-years-old, unassuming and soft-spoken. In her green and tan park ranger’s uniform, she almost blends into the serene backdrop of Wyoming's
When most people think of a wedding reception they think of crystal glasses, speeches, and catered food. Beth Thomas-Rosswog and John Rosswog, however, had
To track environmental changes, researchers require numerous observations, measurements, monitoring, and data sets to be collected. Engaging non-professional